Friday, January 27, 2012

These judgmental assholes

These judgemental assholes don't know shit. Goddamn I fucking hate art class. No matter what you say, "i dont judge people i dont know." BULL-FUCKING-SHIT. You goddamn liar. Everyone judges everyone. No matter what. If you don't judge on the outside then you definitely fucking judge on the inside. People can be such disgusting fuckers. Tate was right. This world is sick and it is a goddamn horror show.
  Today someone asked me if I've been doing anything in this class because all they've seen me do is text, write, and read..... Motherfucker who do you think you are?! I actually can't believe you have the audacity to stop what you're doing to ask me something so fucking ridculous. One thing, mind your own business.

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