Saturday, November 26, 2011


I've been thinking about death and how beautiful it is...
I wonder if it's like falling asleep and enter your dreams forever.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wow, this morning's dream was amazing.

I had a dream about Evan Peters,
So what happened was I was in this school and I went to my class and sat down, some more kids came in along with Evan (that's his name) and he sat down next to me. And we started talking and stuff for a few days, then when we would go places with our school, I guess they were like little walks around the town.. and lol Iggy Pop was our teacher, yeah that old rockstar hahaha. So anyway, when we would take walks and stuff I would walk with him and yeah. :) And then one day when we got back from our walk he left somewhere and i had to go into the school by myself, and i was pissed because now I had to go do work and stuff. But when I walked up the steps and into the school it was like transformed into this big ballroom and my parents were all like, "congrats." and there were all these other parents and kids so I guess I was graduating.. and after I did Evan was standing on the dance floor and I walked up to him and he said, "can we dance??" and I smiled "yeahh" and so we did... and it was close haha.The day after I was just in school and everything was back to normal, I was still talking to him and stuff like that..  :D

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving. :)

Did you eat enough turkey?
I sure did.
It's easy to say that I'm just thankful for everything. :)
Mom, Dad, friends, food, shelter, big sister, family, animals, etc. :)
Earlier I went outside with my dog and just watched the sun set. It was real cold but I'd rather stay out there than be stuck in my house. :/
Tomorrow's black friday and I'm not going anywhere haha.
All I want to do is take pictures and make sims. XD
And blog, but you already know that.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

No pressure...

I just finished my Chemistry essay. Basically bullshitting the whole thing. Now I can sleep.
I'm just scared that my mom might not let me stay home tomorrow. School is such a nightmare.

"High school, it's just a blip in your timeline. Don't get stuck there."

I would leave if I could, but no. I have to grow up like all the others and become a slave for love and money and happiness. Why does school have to be so important to us? Knowing that I've wasted a number of years in school. What is this setting me up for? Death. We all die anyway.

Ahh, the days when just my heart hurts...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bang Bang by Armchair Cyanide

I swear that song is the sexiest song I have ever heard.I advise you to go check it out.

Lately I have been getting into a show, American Horror Story. It's just so good and the characters are put together so freaking well! I can't stop watching it.
Last month I got into wicca. It seriously felt so right. Who wouldn't want to be a wiccan?
I almost became an athiest, but then I read about wicca and how they (wiccans) actually don't really, I guess, believe in a guy up in the sky creating bullshit. I knew the one thing I would never be is a Christian. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand how the bible works...

Anyway, I'm in love with Evanescence's new album, it gives me goosebumps.
Man, I miss this site. I hope I use it a lot more than I did last time.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dear Diary,

I always thought life was worth living, But if everything is going to disappoint me, then what's the fucking point? Everything is just getting worse.
I wonder what I'd be like if I had a boyfriend. Probably even more of a wreck. I'd always try and not mess anything up. I want a boyfriend but I don't think I need/deserve one...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

So moody

Today was a sad day. I sat down in art and got the idea of maybe doing a self-portrait and got a real good look at myself. Pimples and all. :(

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It's the morning and I'm "ready" for school.

Who am I kidding? I'm never ready for school.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hello all.

I'm monique.
I'm not new to this site, but I barely used it when I had my old account up.
Hopefully I will use this one more than the last. ;)